The seed of re:fit’s beginning:
The beauty of re:fit’s story is that it is ever-evolving, even to this day. The seed for re:fit started in 1996 when Loribeth Cohen, an experienced Physical Therapist, saw that traditional physical therapy had limitations. Its protocols allowed her to treat localized pain sites, but she realized that the pain often stemmed from an underlying issue that routine PT was unable to address. While traditional physical therapy had much to offer, Loribeth recognized that it neglected an integral part of the mind-body connection which can facilitate true healing.
Thus, Loribeth planted the seed of starting her own physical therapy studio, with the idea of incorporating western and eastern treatment modalities to better serve her patients. And the name “re:fit” was born.

“Why re:fit“? Let’s break it down:
The “re” symbolizes our ability to “re-do” things in our lives. We continue to grow each time we “re”-evaluate, “re”-balance, or “re”-think how we can improve. The “re” reminds us that it’s never too late to progress in our physical or emotional journey.
The “fit,” of course, refers to fitness. But re:fit reminds us that fitness is more than just physical. It’s emotional, spiritual, and intellectual, as well. Fitness is our best conduit to well-being, and re:fit puts tremendous resources toward ensuring that each client can restore and rehabilitate to achieve optimal performance.
The grammatical colon (:) between the “re” and “fit” serves as the perfect connector. Grammatical colons are like a gate, inviting you to go on. A colon acknowledges that even though the first idea can stand alone, there is more to come that enhances that idea. Re:fit is always evolving, enhancing and refining like an expanding garden.
You’ll notice that re:fit is written with all lower case letters. Why? Because it reflects re:fit’s humility. As the studio grows, re:fit is committed to ensuring personal service to each client, maintaining a small feel with true expertise.
And finally, you’ll notice that when each letter from “re:fit” stands on its own, it expresses re:fit’s mission and purpose:
Restoring and Empowering
Fitness and Integrative Therapies.
Re:fit commits to meeting each client where they are at, and empowering them onto a path of wellness.

Re:fit’s garden of mentors and influence:
When the business idea started, Loribeth’s mom, Ada Cohen, loved the concept and established the first root. Ada promised to not only support Loribeth emotionally, but also with her presence. Ada became the full-time Office Manager and Client Services Director, and she became the sunny, welcoming face clients would see upon entering the studio. Ada passed away in 2014 and is missed beyond measure, but her roots help anchor the foundation of the re:fit garden, and her bright memory continues to shine on the business.
As the business started, Loribeth drew on her theoretical training from PT mentors Harry Knight and Russ Carter. Their academic influence served as the original rich soil of the re:fit garden. These professors led by example when they taught Loribeth and fellow-classmate Mimi Abrams not only the therapeutic content, but also the value of compassionate healing.
Loribeth then met Romana Kryzanowska and learned the benefits of Pilates. The Pilates techniques became the healthy plants of re:fit, as they served as a core component of re:fit’s niche in the physical therapy domain.
The re:fit garden again expanded when Loribeth and Mimi studied with Sharon Weiselfish, who inspired the planting of Integrated Manual Therapy (IMT) at the studio. Gardens grow best when they are cleared and watered, and IMT represents the healthy flow of open channels in the body.
Flowers bloomed in the garden when Loribeth studied at the Kerala Ayurveda Academy. Ayurveda, an ancient Indian practice honoring self-healing, brings out the beauty and balance in each person. Every flower has its own quality, shape and form, and Ayurveda enhances the vibrancy of each one with practical lifestyle suggestions for wellness.

Every garden needs an intuitive landscape engineer to create the physical structure that allows the garden to thrive. Paul Ryan, Loribeth’s intuitive husband, has been this engineer since the inception of re:fit. Paul designed and built much of the re:fit space you enjoy today.

“To get up each morning with the resolve to be happy is to condition circumstances instead of being conditioned by them.”
An unexpected and tragic rainstorm befell the re:fit garden when Marla Grabell, re:fit’s beautiful Office Manager, passed away. The hole that Marla leaves will never be filled, but will instead by honored by remembering her optimistic view on “conditioning circumstances rather than being conditioned by them.” Each rainbow that graces the re:fit garden is a reminder of Marla’s compassion and warmth. A visual reminder of Marla can be seen in the ever-changing “Seasons” display in re:fit’s lobby.
Re:fit’s values regarding wellness and sustainability:
Re:fit is committed to creating a safe space within our garden for all clients and employees. Growth and wellness thrive with purpose, courage and acceptance of ourselves and others. When we clear the weeds of our blocked channels, we ease both physical and emotional suffering, which allows us to explore our potential. When we are whole, we can take risks and allow unforeseen opportunities to emerge.
Re:fit’s space is representative of our wellness principles. We value sustainability in everything under our re:fit sun: our property, building, equipment, employees, clients, and our teachings.
Re:fit’s property expresses sustainability with its building materials, equipment, sunlight access, low carbon footprint, and its beautiful natural habitat garden. But re:fit also believes that sustainability should be reflected in our people. Most of our employees have been at re:fit for many years, as re:fit’s culture enables them to thrive. And many of our clients have come repeatedly for varied services, including IMT, Ayurveda, Pilates, physical therapy and additional therapies. Re:fit believes that “Sustainability for Life” is a strategy for serenity. If our clients make wise lifestyle choices, they can invite balance and longevity to permeate their wellness. Re:fit teaches “Sustained Mindfulness” regarding health, exercise, diet, sleep and peace. When we are mindful of our positive elements, we also become mindful of our imbalances, thus leading to holistic healing. Re:fit is eager to join each client on their individual journey to sustained health and longevity.
